Steve Thorp
deep wellbeing,
coaching and writing

Integral practices for soulful, ecological living
Twenty-first century soul
e. info@21soul.co.uk tel. +44 (0) 7949553029

Integral practices for soulful and creative living

Contact Steve Thorp to discuss his deep wellbeing and soulmaking work. He offers coaching, workshops, speaking engagements and organisational wellbeing support. Contact him on:
m. +44 (0) 7949553029 e. steve@21soul.co.uk
copyright © 2014 Steve Thorp / website design and branding Ruth Thorp



Steve Thorp is a integral therapist and writer of poetry and prose. He spends time on the beaches and headlands near his home in Pembrokeshire, and is a devoted Grandpa.
He writes: "We live in challenging times, and my work is about helping people to live with the shadows of climate change and other seemingly intractable global problems we face with authenticity, creativity, grace and courage"
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Deep wellbeing and soulmaking
We live in challenging times. The climate emergency, and other challenges, can sometimes overwhelm us. However, whatever the future holds, we can all decide how we live our lives right now. My Deep Wellbeing and Soulmaking work is about helping you to live with the problems you face with authenticity, creativity, grace and courage.
Meeting the challenges
As someone who cares deeply about the world, you may sometimes feel a sense of fear and hopelessness for the future. And yet, it is likely to be those of us who care most who can make the biggest difference. To do this, we will need new ways of thinking about our world and our lives. Exploring more connected, ecological ways of seeing. Developing practices that help sustain us when things get tough.
Conversations for change
As a leader, an entrepreneur, an artist, an activist, someone supporting others or someone just wanting to live a good life and make a difference, you are in the business of making change. How can you do this with integrity and complexity, whilst dealing with the day-to-day human issues we all face? I can work with you as an individual, or support your team in these deep soulful themes.
Good, deep conversations can help – conversations that explore different ways in which we can do our work and live our lives. That’s what my integral coaching and groupwork is all about. And that's what my Deep Wellbeing and Soulmaking programme offers.
You can explore how I can support you HERE and you'll find a range of resources and links throughout this site.
All best wishes,